Sample Lecture Excerpts

Below are sample excerpts of recent micro-lectures as part of the Literacy in the Early Years course in the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education program at Brock University. These micro-lectures are presented to undergraduate students covering current research and theories on the conceptualization of literacy, literacy development, and traditional and contemporary educational practices.

Clip#1: Literacy

This clip is from the first module in the course covering conceptual and theoretical aspects of literacy in the early years. The aim of this segment is to encourage students to think about literacy as it is constantly in use in our daily lives, reflecting the notion of multiliteracies.

Clip #2: Relationships

This segment is derived from a micro-lecture on the centrality of relationships in literacy development. It includes intra- and inter-generational literacy, the role of relationships in building trust, feeling open to share meaning, and how literacy fosters one’s sense of self.

Clip #3: Literacy and Identity

This clip is part of the closing module in the literacy course titled “Human Identity: Sociocultural and Posthuman Worlds”. It drives home the connection between literacy and human identity, particularly as it is set strongest in the early years and fostered in early learning settings.